Outer Animal: Jan 28 1960 - Feb 14 1961 庚
Yang Metal Rat
金 Yin/Yang
Yin (the receptive, feminine, dark, passive force) and yang (the creative, masculine, bright, active force) are descriptions of complementary opposites rather than absolutes. Any yin/yang dichotomy can be viewed from another perspective. All forces in nature can be seen as having yin and yang states, and the two are in movement rather than held in absolute stasis.
Yin is often symbolized by water or earth, while yang is symbolized by fire or wind.
* Yang (陽 or 阳; yáng; "sunny place, south slope (hill), north bank (river); sunshine") is the bright element: it is active, light, masculine, upward-seeking and corresponds to the day.)
* Yin (Chinese: 陰 or 阴; pinyin: yīn; literally "shady place, north slope (hill), south bank (river); cloudy, overcast") is the dark element: it is passive, dark, feminine, downward-seeking, and corresponds to the night.
金 Metal
* The West
* Autumn
* The Planet Venus
* The Color White
* Respiratory system & Lungs
* Determined, Self-reliant, Unyielding, Strong, Persistent, Forceful
* Reserved, Needs Personal Space, Sophisticated, Seeks pleasure
Metal's link with autumn time means that it 'Governs' the autumn signs of Monkey, Rooster, Dog
# 03:00 - 05:00: 寅 tiger # 05:00 - 07:00: 卯 rabbit # 07:00 - 09:00: 辰 dragon
Rats are both charming and aggressive. They appear calm and well balanced on the surface, but underneath, they are restless and a little nervous. Rats are compatible, hard working, and they know how to hang on to a penny. They are never without admirers. They are very appealing. They have a bright and happy personality, and this keeps them busy socially. They love parties and other large gatherings. They like belonging to exclusive clubs and will often have a close circle of fellow conspirators. They like involvement and are very outgoing. Rats cherish friends and loved ones. For this reason, they often get entangled with others’ problems and lives.
Rats love money and are quite shrewd where a buck is concerned. It is a hard task to separate Rats from their money. However, Rats can be very generous when their loved ones are concerned. Relatives are always welcome. Rats are definitely clannish and clever. With all these people around, Rats always find tasks for them to earn their keep. People will be put to work quickly in the Rat's house. Rats know how to keep a secret, if it's their own,but they are adept at finding out what others try to keep to themselves, and Rats wouldn't be above using the information if it were to their benefit.
One can always tell when Rats are upset. They become edgy,very nervous, and quite nagging. Rats are always taken by a bargain. They often buy things they don't need and tend to save everything. Souvenirs and sentimental odds and ends are found tucked away everywhere.
Since they make it a point to know everything about everybody,Rats are excellent writers. They have a good memory and are extremely inquisitive. Rats can be successful in almost everything they try to do. They easily adapt themselves to the situation at hand. They are at their best during any crisis and are great problem solvers. Rats are very level headed and are also very alert. Their intuition is strong and are always on the lookout for opportunities to better themselves. Rats seldom get into jams they can't escape since they cover themselves well in advance.They have a built in alarm system.
One of the Rat's biggest fault is that they try to do too much at once. They often scatter their energies and get nothing accomplished. Once they learn to finish what they have started,there is no stopping them from being successful. The Rat must also watch those fast deals and those great bargains. In these areas their judgment may fail them. They must not become too greedy,or they will suffer a financial blow or two.
Rats have great respect for their parents and dote on their own children. They love their home. Family life is very important to them. Rats born during the evening are tempted to a more hectic life than those born during the day.
Rats learn
early, quickly, and are avid readers. They know how to express themselves
well-both written and orally. Given the slightest chance, Rats can make a
success of their lives.
Oxes may appear docile, but watch out! They also have quite a temper. They are extremely determined and work tirelessly to get what they want. Step by step and piece by piece, they move steadily toward their goals. People born under the sign of the Ox are dependable and stick to a routine until the job is done. They are fair-minded and good listeners, but they can also be extremely stubborn.
Because of their trustworthy character, Oxes will often hold positions of authority and responsibility. They always get ahead in the world. They must be careful not to become slaves to their jobs or profession. Oxes can be forceful leaders and eloquent speakers when the occasion arises. In troubled times they will have great presence of mind and will never be intimidated. They are very proud souls. Oxes are systematic and respect traditions. They mistrust things they don't understand,and they hate loose ends.They can also be vulnerable in romance. They are so straightforward that they don't relate to the love games others play. Since it takes a long time to develop intimate relationships, Oxes like long courtships. Once they have made up their minds, they are loyal and giving-almost to a fault.
Ox people are neat and punctual, honest and hard working. Oxes make ideal mates since they always do more than their share. They have a long memory and remember the little details others miss. Once Oxes are angry with you, they will carry their grievance a long way. When they are unhappy or upset, they will bury themselves in their work until they feel better. Oxes always pay their debts. If they owe you anything, they will never forgive themselves until the debt is paid. They always remember a favor, and though they don't use flowery words,they will show their appreciation in other ways. Their actions speak louder than words.
When Oxes lose their temper, they really lose it! There will be no reasoning with them, so get out of their way until they cool off. Always appeal to the head rather than to the heart of the Oxes. They quickly understand the pros and cons to the situation. Oxes seldom get sick and are not tolerant of weaker people. They should learn how to relax more.
Oxes hate to ask for help. If it takes them twice as long to accomplish something, they still prefer working alone. They want things to last and build them with care. Oxes love their home and family and provide well for them. They do well at long term investments with stability and firm foundations. They are definitely not gamblers. Oxes earn their success by their own merits and don't expect any free rides.
Hares fall under a most fortunate sign! Their sign is the emblem of long
life and they possess the powers of the moon. Hares are very sensitive to
beauty. They are gracious and soft spoken. Hares are the diplomats and the
peace-makers. They enjoy a tranquil life and love a quiet evening at home.
Hares are reserved and very artistic. They are thorough and good scholars. When
Hares are moody, which is often, they will appear totally indifferent to the
Hares are lucky in money matters and great at finding a bargain. They may
look easy-going, but they are actually quite cunning! Being a strong-willed
person, they go quietly but determinedly towards their goals. They don't like
making waves and find other means to get their way.
Hares are well-mannered and seldom use harsh words or foul language.
Instead they cater to your every whim until they get their way. Before you know
it, you have been won over! Although Hares appear slow at times, they are
actually practicing caution. They read all the fine print before signing their
names. Their uncanny abilities to correctly assess people and situations leave
them quite conceited. Hares are considerate, understanding, warm, friendly, and
easy to be with. They know how to relax.
When everyone is rushing around, Hares remind you that there is still
tomorrow. Their motto is "live and let live". Hares would never
embarrass you in public and they know how to save face. If Hares can spare your
feelings, they will. For this they are well liked.
Hares make few enemies and rarely get into serious trouble. No one is
more understanding. Hares give you all the sympathy you need. Just don't expect
them to go out and do battle for you.If the going gets too rough, Hares may
make a quick exit. They can't stand suffering and misery. Hares are experts at
passing the buck and may hedge over difficult issues. When they feel too
threatened they are unpredictable. If you push them too far they will simply
get rid of you! Hares were not born to be fighters. They have their own ways
that are very effective. Having good sense they know how to take care of
themselves. They protect their own environment from strife at all costs.
Hares are good entertainers and hosts. They have good words to say about
everyone. Although they often know more than they will say,they are discreet in
their choice of friends. No matter what happens to Hares, they land on their
feet and easily leap obstacles in their path. Hares believe in themselves and
are at peace within. They will find success and contentment.